Introducing Pasum Courses


So, UPU are open right now..
You're  thinking of different university and courses that you want to take..

I'm here to give you insights of being a Pasum student.

First you need to know there are 3 courses for foundation students.

You can take Asasi Sains hayat, Asasi sains fizikal and Asasi Pengajian Islam dan Sains(Apids).They are all one year programme. What's the difference you may ask?  Let me shed the light for you.

Firstly, Asasi Sains Hayat.
Asasi sains hayat will have to study these subjects.
Mathematics(calculus,algebra and trigonometry)
And two additional course
IT and Jati Diri which you will take only in Semester 1. Then you are free of those two.

Me, myself took Asasi Sains Hayat!

This is my timetable for Semester 2!

For math, chemistry ,physic, biology you will have to endure 4hours of lectures per week.

You will also have lab on those 3(bio,chemistry and physic)
Don't worry,not every week you will have lab..
But make sure you read the manual.
For chemistry lab you will do it individually while physics it will be in a group of three assigned.

For biology, there will be two sections of bio(bio1/bio 2)because they don't want you to feel bored or burdened having studying 5 chapters for a test.

So, speaking about test. ..
There will be 2 Test, and a final exam.
The test are all multiple choice questions while for final it will be essay and subjective questions. The weightage for those exams are 50% while the other half are from your quiz(20% will be done every week for bio and chem, physics and math only four times )

All you need is lecture notes, practice, mind mapping and answering from two years back(past years) and always present during lectures.

That's a new thing for SPM leavers...
So "tuto" is actually a piece of paper that lecturers hand out to students for them to answer and discussed in class the following week.  But chemistry is a must to send in to your tutor!

Also, find many people for you to ask questions, make a study group so you won't feel alone...

Secondly,Asasi Sains Fizikal..
You will be taking these subjects
Advanced math
Jati diri(in Semester 2)
IT(Semester 1)

* English ni basically study for Malaysian University English Test(MUET) for Semester 1 and Semester 2 more to communication skills..  Like presentation individually and in groups.

For MUET basically memang lecturer akan ajar even  in class ada..
Speaking, listening, reading and writing.  Insyaallah you guys can get a band 6!

Beware course ni ramai lelaki! So kalau perempuan bawa bersabar la yaa.

Lecturer sempoi!
Meet Dr Syafadhli,Mr.Zack,Dr.Norsiah.

Lastly, Apids
From 8-630
Ulang alik Bngunan Api ,Pasum.
Hari jumaat still ada full day class..
Paling penat. ..

That's  all from me!


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