First entry at UM


I think it has been quite sometime since i last write.

Quite busy to be frank. Who am i kidding.
I just didn't have inspiration about what to write.

Ok. Ok. Ok.

I'm  here at UM guys.  I enrolled in foundation in science studies for a year.

I've  learn a lot by being a student here.  Life here is actually pretty much like in high school.  Except you actually live there and no longer live under the same roof with your parents.  You have a new family, your roomates.

I'm  very lucky for i have such supportive and very understanding roommates.  Its fate i guess...

At first,i was afraid of stepping into University which i guess is what every student felt.

I can still remember the day i registered as a student at UM. It was on 6th June, Saturday.

First, my parents parked the car at an open space. Then,we were asked to bring along all of the necessities. After that, we rode the bus and finally reached Kolej Kediaman 11.

Then it was all a blur...
Standing in line to register, paperwork and stuff..
Then, i got my room key!  I was given room at C block . Which is very basic compared to A block where every cube has their own toilet and pantry.  A cube means a part of the floor that has four rooms of 16 occupants.

After settling in and unpacking, it was time for my family to leave.  My heart was crying and myself literally and a very long hug was given.  At that time it was like i was being sent to prison.  But i know better.  Im there for a reason.  To study and be a better person.  To find my purpose in life.  To find ME.

A week after,it was ice breaking session.
I was in Group E and our facilitator was indeed ahead a year from us.  They were waiting for their Sem 2 results.

I gained new friends and eventually that feeling of shyness and unbelong dissipated.
I'm not gonna lie.  I was homesick the first three days.  Oh yeah i forgot to tell you that during those period it was the month of Ramadhan. And yeah.  Basically the whole week i was sleep deprived. Woke up at 4 and sleep at 1am.

Nevertheless it was a very fun week.


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